To enable success for any project it is important to follow a process that is rigorous and proven to be effective.  The MVista Strategies IDDEA project lifecycle has been followed successfully for many projects and includes the following phases:

  • Initiate
    • Project Definition – goals, objectives, outcomes, success indicators
    • Key Stakeholder Engagement – identify and engage key stakeholders essential to achieving success
  • Discover
    • Information Gathering and analysis
    • Create baseline status and identify gaps
  • Develop
    • Collaborative Planning Sessions with Key Stakeholders
    • Plan Production with timeline
  • Engage
    • Expand the stakeholder group to all stakeholders and influencers
    • Review plan and refine timeline
  • Act
    • Implement the plan
    • Regularly communicate successes


MVista Strategies provides expertise and experience in working with stakeholders to advance government policy and incentives to achieve desired outcomes.  Sherrie Merrow is an expert speaker and presents regularly at industry trade shows, government and interest group events/seminars and via webinars.


MVista Strategies offers consulting in all aspects of marketing including branding, messaging, publicity, events, collateral development, and website content creation.  Overall marketing plan development and implementation consulting are also key areas of expertise.

Business Development

MVista Strategies is able to effectively work with you and your teams to increase your business through product definition, stakeholder identification and collaborative engagement of key stakeholders needed for success.  It is our belief that your potential clients who will enable your business growth must become invested in your success because it will lead to theirs.

MVista Strategies provides consulting services charging on an hourly or monthly basis.